During this phase, we were trained to lay down the foundation in order to organize your time and your tasks. This means creating a schedule, a priority list, and setting realisticĀ goals. During this phase, we were also instructed on how to create Game Design Documents and presentations.
After you get sit down and plan, you can begin on actual construction. During the project shown above, I was decided to be the Producer of the project. This meant that I was in charge of keeping our documents orderly, holding my team accountable, and keeping track of the work that was being done. This project allowed me the time to learn the workings of Jira, Confluence, and Perforce. Our professor played the role of "executive producer" and critiqued our performance and our work.
Simultaneously my favorite and leastĀ favorite part of any project; the crunch time is real but the payoff is huge. This screenshot is a particular project that I created during one of my first Game Design classes that took off and landed me a successful Kickstarter campaign, a shared booth at PAX 2022, and soon, a place to sell my card game. In addition to rewarding outcomes, I was also able to dip my toes into advertising and presentation.
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